Sorry it took a bit of time to get a video going for the newest single “Spherical Miracle”. But this thing called life kept getting in the way.

It happens!

But here you go, another video created by Metal Maiden Vicki using AI technology. And I discovered cool new effects to make the video a bit more interesting than the previous two. You will be seeing this video at 9am, same time as it premiers on YouTube

While I am digging this little shift in direction musically, I am eventually going back to what I am kinda-sorta known for: progressive funk metal. I know that ruffles some feathers the way I describe it but what else should I call it? Fusion metal? Nah that doesn’t work…PROGRESSIVE FUNK METAL it is!

I hope you enjoy this clip and leave feedback (nice words, please!)

Published by steviehimself

Guitarist/guitar teacher/cat lover in New Jersey.

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