WHEN I’M 54…

Will you still need me…when I’m 54?

I think that’s what The Beatles said?

Yesterday I turned 54 years old (Nov 2) and I don’t feel a day over 70. In all seriousness, I am proud of advancing in age. Some people sadly never made it to 30 or even 40, so this is what you young people call a “milestone”.

I received many nice birthday greetings and more are coming through. It’s nice when people take the few seconds to reach out, always a good feeling.

Last night after dinner, I saw a cool story posted by Don Jamieson (THAT METAL SHOW) and of course had to share it all over the place. He seems to dig my strange guitar work so no complaints here! As busy as he is, knowing that he took the time to listen to my new album ACT NATURAL is another one of those “pinch me” moments. So as you see above, I took a screenshot and am letting the bragging rights kick in.

BTW: The gig I did last weekend with Evolution was cool, the vibes were nice at Barrel 28 (Florida, NY). And as I always say, expected the unexpected. One song that was not on the set list yet some ladies requested was Shania Twain’s “Man, I Feel Like A Woman.” I learned it on the spot.

Because that’s how I roll.

Published by steviehimself

Guitarist/guitar teacher/cat lover in New Jersey.

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