Being an ISSA member has it perks!

Feels like an eternity since I wrote something.

But you enjoyed the little hiatus 😉

I’m still rollin’ along, promoting ACT NATURAL, which turned one month old yesterday. Down to 16 copies which is great. Didn’t beat out MOOD SWINGS for fastest-seller and that’s perfectly fine. Glad it moved so quickly in such a short period of time. “Nobody buys CDs anymore.”

I just shot that notion down.

Did three interviews over the course of a month, starting with Metal Mistress, then DJ JD, and just this past Saturday with Metal Maiden Vicki. All of them were a lot of fun, lots of laughs, lots of useless trivia (courtesy of yours truly). I have at least two more interviews pending so keep checking the UPCOMING EVENTS page.

Oh and I am going to perform soon?

Yes, this Saturday October 28 with the band Evolution at Barrel 28 (Florida, NY). I played with them back in March at Tony’s Pizza in Sparta and it was cool. I think this one will be better as I am more familiar with the songs. Couple of new ones I had to brush up on, and as I tell my students, “Play til you’re sick of it, that means you are doing it right.”

And while there will be no Rock Hard shows until 2024, I posted the dates and venues on the UPCOMING page anyway. (I am hoping Supernova needs me for a couple of gigs…hint hint!)

And what about my own music? I have to come clean: What I play does not make people run to the nearest club. Just a fact. I am not putting down my own stuff. If anything, I am super proud of it. But have to be realistic about things. If I do one show next year, fine. If not, I won’t lose sleep. While I am still shocked that I can put out a ninth album filled with crazy music and have it sell, I also know that if I said “Steve Bello is playing this club soon”…crickets. I was never part of any “scene” (and there is none). I’m definitely an island unto myself. Works best for me.

Now I need the Professor to build a radio out of coconuts.

Published by steviehimself

Guitarist/guitar teacher/cat lover in New Jersey.

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