It's funny! Admit it!!

Ever since ACT NATURAL was released on September 22, things went from zero to 150mph in seconds flat.

Not that I’m complaining!

Did a Q&A with DJ Metal Mistress last Wednesday and as always, lots of laughs were had by all. We seem to be good at improvising and taking the piss out of each other (in a nice way of course!) If you want to know my whereabouts in the coming weeks, you can head over the the UPCOMING EVENTS page to find out.

It’s easier than typing it all out here again!

But you will notice that I am Mr. Fill-In with various cover bands in the area. Hoping to get my own trio back in action if a show comes up but am in no madcap rush to do anything. Promoting the cd is my priority right now, and with the slew on interviews coming up, I want to be on my game.

Hope some of you can tune in to any of the Q&As coming up. And if you can swing by a cover gig, then cool.

Got more envelopes to stuff now…

Published by steviehimself

Guitarist/guitar teacher/cat lover in New Jersey.

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